Friday, June 28, 2013

Far above rubies

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

I dabble in sales.  I am really good at it.  I do not enjoy it.  Its not a skill set I nurture.  I am forever explaining to people a simple sales concept.  Whatever you are selling is worth exactly what someone will pay for it.  No more.  Even if its worth more to you, it has to have value to the one purchasing it.  If you price it too low, it seems too good to be true, to high and you have exceeded what the market will bear.

I was spending time this morning in my Garden.  Praying.  I have been seeking God on a specific issue in my life.  One of identity and value.  And he really spoke into my spirit this morning regarding this.  He told me this:
You have set your value too low.  You give away what should be precious, hard to find and rare.  You lavish it on people who do not value the gift, and never make deposits into you.  They take, demand more and have no appreciation for the sacrifices made so they can have the things from you they want. If you don't set your value higher, no one else will either.
Ouch.  Well then.  I guess that was really clear.   It really is my fault.  Not in the way I thought, but in a real tangible way that my price tag is simply too low.

Whats the price of your love?  Your care?  Your sacrifice?  Does it reflect the admiration God has for you?  Or are you selling yourself at outlet prices?  BOGO?  Perhaps you need to upsell your line to a better store.  Set yourself as the ruby you are, not the tin ring from the bubble gum machine.

Come with me to Saks,  to Fifth Avenue, where someone of your caliber and value belongs.  You may sit in the window until just the right buyer comes along, a discerning person with great taste and a special place to let you dwell in their lives.  Much better than being placed in a ziplock and thrown on the shelf or in a junk drawer.  You do not belong in the dollar store,  your price is far above rubies....

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