Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Why is your Valley so LOW?

Yea tho I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, thou art with me...

Sometimes I watch people crawl through valleys on their knees.  Alone.  Scared.  Abandoned and miserable.  Not only is God with you in those moments, often times there are soldiers from your Christian army attempting to draw up around you with swords drawn!

I am amazed when the downed soldier screams out..NO! Put away your swords!  Do not defeat the enemy!  Allow him to come slay me!  I deserve this horrific punishment in my life!

How many wounds are you healing from which are self inflicted?   How many are not at the hands of a powerful enemy but at an opportunistic blow because you drew a target on the spot that would hurt the most?

Our biggest challenge in our christian walk is not Satan.  It is not finances.  It is US.  Our struggle with unworthiness, refusal to accept help, refusal to believe in our own position in the kingdom of God.  Our belief deep down that all those promises are real, but are for someone else!

I see this mostly in myself.  I received a powerful prophetic word over my life last Saturday.  Joyous amazing wonderful things poured out like oil over me.  It took all of about thirty seconds after it was over for me to start analyzing, pigeon holing, adjusting to fit my own picture and rewording the promises of God to a script that was acceptable to my own concept of my future.  To fit the picture of myself that was much less than God saw for me.  

Why do we do that?  I have spent the last couple days really praying about this issue in myself.  I see it all around me.  Its like when you buy a certain new car.  All of a sudden you see one everywhere you go.  That's how my radar is right now on this topic.  I see people take a blessing and make it less.  Not because they really want less, but because they believe, like me, that LESS is what they deserve.  They can't see their potential in the eyes of God.  They are so covered with curses and life that all they see are the lies they have believed.

I pray today that you are able to cast away the filters on your destiny.  Even if you cant fully embrace the view of yourself as worthy, start with not neutralizing it with negativity.  Start with not arguing with God, rewriting his word or changing the concepts to something more comfortable.  Start there.  Act as if you are worthy.  You will find yourself walking different, talking different.  Being different.  Its OK to prosper. Its OK to have peace.  Its OK to have your dreams happen around you!

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